THE Anansi Archive is a non-profit making writing community committed to supporting all levels of literary endeavour.
Whether you are an absolute beginner or a hardy veteran, published or not, who seeks a fresh outlet for your work, we aim to be another step on your path to progress.
In addition to running seasonal competitions we aim to publish up to four anthologies a year to help create a wider platform for your work.
So why not join us in our literary adventure and enter a competition? And if you know of any other like-minded souls, tell them. Just get the word out!
THE Anansi Archive writer, Hannah Retallick has just published her first collection of short stories. You can read a review of it here.
JUDGING of our Autumn season competitions is now complete. To view the winners and read their entries, please click on this link.
OUR Winter 2024/25 competitions are now open with entry fees starting from just £1 so why not have a go? We offer cash prizes and an opportunity to be published in our next anthology. Details of how to enter can be found HERE.