by Dave | Jul 1, 2022 | Short Fiction, Uncategorized |
The great silence didn’t happen all at once, so there is no definitive way to pinpoint when it occurred. It did, however, begin in my youth. It began when a linguist was interned in the prison of a hostile foreign power. Using only will, she discovered a way to...
by Dave | Jan 6, 2022 | Short Fiction |
On Saturday mornings, unless she was volunteering a few hours at her church function, Flora Henderson stopped in at the Gibbons’ red brick farm house. Each visit she brought with her a plate of warm baking, scones or oatmeal muffins. She handed the plate to Eldred...
by Dave | Jan 5, 2022 | Short Fiction |
All families have traditions on Christmas Day, I assume so at least. Ours has always been off to church to celebrate the birth – then to the graveyard to remember the dead – then to the pub to model festive jumpers – then back home for the Queen’s...