Entry and rules

Entrants must be aged 16 or over and the work must be in English.

Entries must be the original work of the entrant. The entry must be unpublished in full elsewhere.

Each poem or flash fiction story must be no longer than 500 words and short fiction, 3,000 not including the title.

The closing date for entries is midnight (GMT) on 31st November (Autumn competition), 28th/ 29th February (Winter) 31st May (Spring) and 31st August (Summer). Winners are announced about four weeks later.

Once submitted, work cannot be recalled or amended.

You can enter up to three items per season across all categories. Each submission requires a fee.

Entries should be formatted as a Microsoft Word, Open Office or Word compatible format (.txt or .rtf. We do not accept  PDFs. In 12pt Arial or Times Roman with double spacing between lines.

The first page of your entry should have the category and time of competition (Poetry-Spring, Flash Fiction-Winter or Short Fiction-Summer) the title of your entry, your name, word count and email address (Paypal address if you have one).

Your entry should be submitted as an email attachment to entries@anansiarchive.co.uk Please mark the category and season (Flash/Autumn) of your entry in the Subject field of the email.

By entering authors are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out here. The decision of the judges is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

By submitting, the author is giving The Anansi Archive permission to reproduce the work on its website and in any possible published anthology, however, the author retains full copyright at all times.

Please pay (below) before you submit the entry and reference the Paypal email in your submission. We can only accept payment via Paypal. The payment is for ONE text (ie £1 per poem or FF, £3 per Short Fiction).


Poetry: £1.00

Flash Fiction: £1.00

Short Fiction: £3.00